Welcome to Maerin's blog ♪ Latest blog was posted on 4/12/24 ♪

feeling artistic today
Posted on: 7/4/23

First blog! Continued on learning about art, anatomy etc. been practicing drawing since like last year and i've been improving! What really interests me about art is that art requires a creative mind and skill, whether your skill is bad or not it doesn't matter! art is another way of expressing your emotion and feelings through an empty canvas (o^▽^o)

the most boring day
Posted on: 7/5/23

Today I woke up at 7am and surprisingly saw a phone i was confused at first but then i used it then I realized it had been charged overnight, At 9am is where my boring day begins my mother forced me and my siblings to stay upstairs and bring my laptop because there were people repairing our sink downstairs since it was broken, we stayed upstairs for 9am to 5pm me and my brother had to share my laptop, then at 4 or 5pm I just decided to work on my site a little bit then wait until I could go downstairs and keep workin on my site. (this blog was posted when I got downstairs)

an unexpected twist?
Posted on 7/6/23

Today was like yesterday but it was different so we were upstairs for 9am til 12 my mom and siblings went downstairs to eat lunch then at around 3 or 4pm it was just like my daily routine so uh yeah nothing really happened

normal day
Posted on 7/7/23

Today is just a normal day I keep imagining what will my new layout be like, I am very imaginative with a huge habit of daydreaming so later at 3pm I'm gonna start working on my site

New look!
Posted on: 8/8/23

First blog in August! I got a new Haircut since school is starting and now I look like liko!! I'm very excited to meet my classmates!

A good day or..
Posted on: 10/20/23

Uhmmmm nothing really happened today but when it was dismissal UHMMM.... I was thrilled when i saw my crush ehe

Snitches get stitches
Posted on: 3/14/24

Haven't updated in a long time... first blog in 2024 yay i guess. today i had the most neutral day ever.. So it started smoothly until i went to refill my water and unintentionally snitching on my classmates that they were watching irrelevant things on the tv when the tv is meant to be used for educational purposes, they got mad at me for 'snitching' when other teachers that pass by see them playing on the tv then report it to the adviser, then another incident happened. my classmate thought I took 'their' fan when it was mine, it was under my chair before the seating arrangement and they literally saw it when they arrived at school.. like wtf??? then at dismissal I approached my adviser and told him about the incident that occured, and I cried then he agreed to change me to a different seat away from him, then at dismissal, I approached him once more and told him everything, he called his special someone and also gave me advice that what i did was the right thing and that i shouldn't listen to what they say, then my adviser also gave me advice that this is to make them realize that what they are doing is wrong, and that is the reason why teachers get angry at students, to make them realize their mistakes and their wrongdoings (I got bullied just for 'snitching'.)

confused with admiration or love
Published on: 4/12/24

though not considering to talk about it with my friends, well recently, a friend of mine, I got to know his friends, then we also became friends but one of his friends, interested me in a way.. like platonically, eventually turning to someone whom I admire and respect. i also gave him some compliments that i would be embarrassed to tell him, those compliments being, how his voice sounded like music to my ears and how his personality was kind of adorable to me, he didn't really mind it much since he knows that I don't want him romantically then thankng me for the compliments.